Statistics in systems biology and translationnal medicine



Sandrine Darmigny

Mélanie Prague
SISTM Director

Mélanie Prague is currently Inria Research Faculty (Chargé de Recherche) at Inserm, where she is leading the SISTM team from both Inria Centre at the University of Bordeaux and Inserm Bordeaux Population Health research center U1219. She obtained her H.D.R. (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in 2024.

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Boris Hejblum
SISTM Deputy Director

Boris Hejblum is currently Research Faculty (Chargé de Recherche) at Inserm, where he is co-leading the SISTM team from both Inria Centre at the University of Bordeaux and Inserm Bordeaux Population Health research center U1219. He obtained his H.D.R. (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in 2024.

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The team is devoted to the development of statistical methods for the integrative analysis of data in medicine and biology. Thanks to the technological improvements, clinical and biological research is generating massive amounts of data. Of importance are the « omics » data such as genomics (gene expression) and proteomics but also other types of data, for which modern technologies have strongly increased the amount of information (e.g. medical imaging, cell counts).
This SISTM team is labelled by both Inserm and Inria.

The applications are carried out in collaboration with the Vaccine Research Institute (VRI), other teams from the center as well as the Methodological Support Unit for Clinical and Epidemiological Research (USMR) of the Bordeaux University Hospital.

The two main objectives of the SISTM team are:

  • To accelerate the development of vaccines by analyzing all the information available in early clinical trials and optimizing new trials.
  • To develop new data science approaches to analyze and model high dimensional data in small sample size studies.

Research area

The team is organized around three axes sharing a common objective. It is embarked in a double challenge of developing methods to deal with high dimensional data with low sample size and a main application for accelerating vaccine development.

Hence in Axis 1, the relevant information is extracted from big data. This information is used to estimate mechanistic model parameters in Axis 2. Mechanistic models can then be used for simulating the optimal vaccine strategies to be evaluated in the next clinical trials.

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2023 Key publications

Agniel D, Hejblum BP, Thiebaut R, Parast L. Doubly robust evaluation of high-dimensional surrogate markers. Biostatistics. 2023;24(4):985-99.

Alexandre M, Prague M, McLean C, Bockstal V, Douoguih M, Thiebaut R, Consortia EaE. Prediction of long-term humoral response induced by the two-dose heterologous Ad26.ZEBOV, MVA-BN-Filo vaccine against Ebola. NPJ Vaccines. 2023;8(1):174.

Blengio F, Hocini H, Richert L, Lefebvre C, Durand M, Hejblum B, Tisserand P, McLean C, Luhn K, Thiebaut R, Levy Y. Identification of early gene expression profiles associated with long-lasting antibody responses to the Ebola vaccine Ad26.ZEBOV/MVA-BN-Filo. Cell Rep. 2023;42(9):113101.

Choi EM-L, Lacarra B, Afolabi MO, Ale BM, Baiden F, Betard C, Foster J, Hamze B, Schwimmer C, Manno D, D’Ortenzio E, Ishola D, Keita CM, Keshinro B, Njie Y, van Dijck W, Gaddah A, Anumendem D, Lowe B, Vatrinet R, Lawal BJ, Otieno GT, Samai M, Deen GF, Swaray IB, Kamara AB, Kamara MM, Diagne MA, Kowuor D, McLean C, Leigh B, Beavogui AH, Leyssen M, Luhn K, Robinson C, Douoguih M, Greenwood B, Thiebaut R, Watson-Jones D. Safety and immunogenicity of the two-dose heterologous Ad26.ZEBOV and MVA-BN-Filo Ebola vaccine regimen in infants: a phase 2, randomised, double-blind, active-controlled trial in Guinea and Sierra Leone. Lancet Glob Health. 2023;11(11):e1743-e52.

Clairon Q, Pasin C, Balelli I, Thiebaut R, Prague M. Parameter estimation in nonlinear mixed effect models based on ordinary differential equations: an optimal control approach. Computation Stat. 2023.

Clairon Q, Prague M, Planas D, Bruel T, Hocqueloux L, Prazuck T, Schwartz O, Thiebaut R, Guedj J. Modeling the kinetics of the neutralizing antibody response against SARS-CoV-2 variants after several administrations of Bnt162b2. PLoS Comput Biol. 2023;19(8):e1011282.

Collin A, Hejblum BP, Vignals C, Lehot L, Thiebaut R, Moireau P, Prague M. Using a population-based Kalman estimator to model the COVID-19 epidemic in France: estimating associations between disease transmission and non-pharmaceutical interventions. Int J Biostat. 2023.

Devaux A, Helmer C, Genuer R, Proust-Lima C. Random survival forests with multivariate longitudinal endogenous covariates. Stat Methods Med Res. 2023;32(12):2331-46.

Dong L, Moodie EEM, Villain L, Thiebaut R. Evaluating the Use of Generalized Dynamic Weighted Ordinary Least Squares for Individualized Hiv Treatment Strategies. Ann Appl Stat. 2023;17(3):2432-51.

Freulon P, Bigot J, Hejblum BP. Cytopt: Optimal Transport with Domain Adaptation for Interpreting Flow Cytometry Data. Ann Appl Stat. 2023;17(2):1086-104.

View all of the team’s publications in Oskar

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