Lifelong Exposures Health & Aging

Université de Bordeaux, ISPED
146 rue Léo-Saignat
33076 BORDEAUX cedex
The objective of team LEHA is to study age-related diseases, in particular those of the brain (dementia, Alzheimer’s disease) and of the eye (age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma), using a lifelong approach and focusing on shared mechanisms and exposures, in order to define strategies for the prevention of age-related functional loss and the promotion of healthy aging.
Research area
We study populations of different ages (elderly, middle-aged, young) in prospective designs allowing for the study of slow long-term processes, using early biomarkers (in particular eye and brain imaging) allowing for the early detection of health related effects of exposures.
As age-related diseases share common mechanisms and consequences and interact with each other, aging is considered as a global state promoting the occurrence of diseases. Models of aging are mainly neurological diseases (cognitive decline and dementia/ Alzheimer’s) and eye diseases (mainly age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and glaucoma), but also extend to other health endpoints, such as diabetes, kidney disease or physical performance.
Our research is based on population-based cohorts that we have been conducting in elderly populations for more than 30 years: the PAQUID cohort (n=3777, followed since 1988) and the 3C Study (n=9294 including 2104 in Bordeaux, followed since 1999), and its ancillary ophthalmological study in Bordeaux Alienor (n=963, followed since 2006).
We also participate in population-based cohort studies (i-Share, 20,000 students, PI C. Tzourio), Constances (220,000 adults aged 18-69 years, followed since 2012, PI M. Zins, Inserm U1018, Villejuif) and B cube (planned 2000 aged 55-80 years in Bordeaux, PI C Samieri), in particular by generating cutting edge ophthalmological phenotypic information and several ranges of biomarkers. Finally, we collaborate with European and American cohorts, individually or within collaborative projects.
Overall, these studies collect information on many aspects of aging (functions, chronic and degenerative diseases, disability) and their determinants (clinical factors, nutrition, environmental exposures, genetics), which allow a very comprehensive study of the epidemiology of health and aging in older adults, but also offer a scope for a broader lifelong approach, thanks to the epidemiological and clinical studies conducted in younger individuals.
2024 Key Publications
Alkhami F, Borderie G, Foussard N, Larroumet A, Blanco L, Barbet-Massin M-A, Ferriere A, Ducos C, Mohammedi K, Fawaz S, Couffinhal T, Rigalleau V. Skin autofluorescence of advanced glycation end-products relates to new cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetes: A longitudinal observational study. Diabetes Metab. 2024;50(2):101524. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diabet.2024.101524
Amari B, Merle BMJ, Korobelnik J-F, Delyfer M-N, Boniol M, Dore J-F, Helmer C, Delcourt C, Cougnard-Gregoire A. Lifetime Ambient Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure and Incidence of Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Retina. 2024;44(1):28-36. https://doi.org/10.1097/iae.0000000000003917
Driollet B, Couchoud C, Bacchetta J, Boyer O, Hogan J, Morin D, Nobili F, Tsimaratos M, Berard E, Bayer F, Launay L, Leffondre K*, Harambat J*. Social Deprivation and Incidence of Pediatric Kidney Failure in France. Kidney Int Rep. 2024;9(7):2269-77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ekir.2024.04.042
Gayraud L, Mortamais M, Schweitzer C, de Hoogh K, Cougnard-Gregoire A, Korobelnik J-F, Delyfer M-N, Rougier M-B, Leffondre K, Helmer C, Vienneau D, Delcourt C. Ambient air pollution exposure and incidence of cataract surgery: The prospective 3City-Alienor study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1111/aos.16790
Jacquemot A-F, Prat R, Gazan R, Dubois C, Darmon N, Feart C, Verger EO. Development and validation of an occurrence-based healthy dietary diversity (ORCHID) score easy to operationalise in dietary prevention interventions in older adults: a French study. Br J Nutr. 2024;131(6):1053-63. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0007114523002520
Le Gall L, Harambat J, Combe C, Philipps V, Proust-Lima C, Dussartre M, Drueke T, Choukroun G, Fouque D, Frimat L, Jacquelinet C, Laville M, Liabeuf S, Pecoits-Filho R, Massy ZA, Stengel B, Alencar de Pinho N, Leffondre K*, Prezelin-Reydit M*, Ckd-Rein study group. Haemoglobin trajectories in chronic kidney disease and risk of major adverse cardiovascular events. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2024;39(4):669-82. https://doi.org/10.1093/ndt/gfad235
Mathieu A, Ajana S, Korobelnik J-F, Le Goff M, Gontier B, Rougier M-B, Delcourt C, Delyfer M-N. DeepAlienorNet: A deep learning model to extract clinical features from colour fundus photography in age-related macular degeneration. Acta Ophthalmol. 2024;102(5):e823-e30. https://doi.org/10.1111/aos.16660
Merle BM, Schweitzer C, Rougier M-B, Cougnard-Gregoire A, Gayraud L, Delyfer M-N, Korobelnik J-F, Delcourt C. Associations of circulating vitamins with 10-year retinal neurodegeneration: the Alienor Study. J Nutr Health Aging. 2024;28(8):100286. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnha.2024.100286
Pellay H, Thomas A, Baillet M, Helmer C, Catheline G, Marmonier C, Samieri C, Feart C. Dairy products and brain structure in French older adults. Br J Nutr. 2024;131(3):512-20. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0007114523001551
Seneclauze A, Le Goff M, Cougnard-Gregoire A, Korobelnik J-F, Rougier M-B, Delyfer M-N, Delcourt C, Gattoussi S. Associations of drusen location with risk factors and incidence of late age-related macular degeneration in the Alienor study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2024;102(5):e813-e22. https://doi.org/10.1111/aos.16645
* equal contribution
Last News

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Nutrition and ocular pathology, what role for the dietician?
CHU Haut-Lévêque
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Launch of the GLYCAGEST project on new glycation markers
Video presentation of the Macu-Life project
Launch of the ANR BIOMAC project on blood biomarkers for age-related macular degeneration
Press Release: Air pollution and retinal neurodegeneration in residents of Bordeaux
Could retinal photographs allow early detection of people at risk of dementia ?
New Macu-Life Project: Evaluation of the relationship between our lifestyles and the development of AMD
February 3, 2023:
"Doing with" seminar - What effect on my posture as a public health researcher?

PhD and startuper: Interview with Soufiane Ajana former PhD student in the BPH LEHA team
Soufiane Ajana from our LEHA team has been selected by Microsoft to join a development programme
Prix ISEE Laure Gayraud Doctorante
Classification des aliments selon leur degré de transformation: NOVA n’est pas aussi robuste qu’il n’y parait !
Exposition solaire professionnelle et santé de la peau et des yeux : le projet EXPOLUX
PhD student in EpidemiologyBarqueroAlicia
PhD Student in EpidemiologyBonnefousLouis
Postdoctoral researcherChuyVirginie
Junior Assistant Professor, PhD in EpidemiologyCougnard-GrégoireAudrey
Ingénieur de Recherche, PhDDelcourtCécile
Directrice de Recherche Inserm - Directrice de l'équipeFaureLéa
Doctorante en ÉpidémiologieFeartCatherine
Chargée de recherche INSERMGayraudLaure
PhD Student in EpidemiologyHarambatJérôme
MD PhDHelmerCatherine
Directrice de Recherche InsermHucteauEmilie
Ingénieure d'études - StatisticienneKayembe MulumbaBlondy
PhD Candidate in EpidemiologyKOROBELNIKJean-Francois
Professeur des Universités Praticien HospitalierLamireauThierry
MD PhD, FEBOLe GallLisa
PhD student EpidemiologyLe GoffMelanie
Ingénieur d'études - StatisticienneLima RebouçasSara Cristina
Postdoctoral researcher in EpidemiologyLinardMorgane
Post-doc, MD PhDMerleBenedicte
Tenured Researcher (Chargée de Recherche INSERM - CRCN)MivielleSylvie
Assistante de Gestion Administrative et FinancièrePietrowskiMarie-Anne
PhD Student in EpidemiologyPimenta de MirandaAudrey
PhD student in EpidemiologyPrezelin-ReyditMathilde
Néphrologue --MD PhD studentSCHWEITZERCEDRIC
MD FEBO Professeur des Universités Praticien Hospitalier