EPIdemiology of Cancer and EnviroNmental Exposures


Centre de recherche INSERM U1219
Université de Bordeaux – ISPED case 11
146 rue Léo-Saignat 33076 BORDEAUX cedex

Tél : 05 57 57 95 31

Tél : 05 57 57 12 34

Fax : 05 57 57 47 33


Sabrina Constant

Christel Dantas

Isabelle Baldy

Pr. Isabelle Baldi
MD, PhD, EPICENE Director

Isabelle Baldi is the head of the EPICENE team of the BPH INSERM center (INSERM U1219).

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Dr. Fleur Delva
MD, PhD, EPICENE Deputy director

Fleur Delva  is a medical doctor specialized in public health and hospital practitioner at the Bordeaux University Hospital and co-director of the INSERM EPICENE “Cancer environment” team.



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EPICENE’s research is focused on cancers and environmental and occupational determinants of health. Our projects address methodological challenges in a multidisciplinary approach with the aim of expanding knowledge on cancer survival and its determinants, developing new approaches to estimate life-long environmental exposures (Exposome concept), understanding the role of the environment and the occurrence of certain cancers.

Research areas

Theme 1: Cancer survival
Theme 2: Methods in environmental and occupational exposures
Theme 3: Environmental Etiology of Cancer


Theme 1: Cancer survival: improving knowledge, detecting frail individuals, identifying surrogate endpoints

Although survival rates have improved for the main cancers over the past decades, they remain highly variable depending on the cancer site and on many more individual parameters. We strive to further understand the factors associated with better survival for cancer patients.

Thanks to our involvement in population based cancer registries, we generate new data on cancer survival and its determinants (treatments, comorbidities, care practices, palliative care) for several cancer types (hematological cancers, breast cancer…).We pay particular attention to frail people, for whom efforts of detection and prevention are strongly needed, including elderly people whose number will rapidly increase in the coming decades. We develop new tools for detection programs and we investigate cancer literacy in elderly cancer patients.

Our efforts also focus on improving cancer screening strategies (including organized mass screening). We also develop new biostatistical approaches to assess treatment efficacy and patient survival in randomized controlled trials and in real-life settings

Theme 2: Methods in environmental and occupational exposures: the exposome knowledege

Our research aims to improve the knowledge of levels and determinants of exposure to major contaminants with field measurements in order to identify the main determinants of exposure (usable in retrospective questionnaires and in large population cohorts).

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2024 Key Publications

Alaoui A, Christ F, Silva V, Vested A, Schlunssen V, Gonzalez N, Gai L, Abrantes N, Baldi I, Bureau M, Harkes P, Norgaard T, Navarro I, de la Torre A, Sanz P, Martinez MA, Hofman J, Paskovic I, Paskovic MP, Glavan M, Lwanga EH, Aparicio VC, Campos I, Alcon F, Contreras J, Mandrioli D, Sgargi D, Scheepers PTJ, Ritsema C, Geissen V. Identifying pesticides of high concern for ecosystem, plant, animal, and human health: A comprehensive field study across Europe and Argentina. Sci Total Environ. 2024;948:174671. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174671

Chanteclair A, Duc S, Amadeo B, Coureau G, Soubeyran P, Mathoulin-Pelissier S, Peres K, Helmer C, Galvin A, Frasca M. Hospital-based palliative care referrals: determinants in older adults with cancer. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2024;14(e3). https://doi.org/10.1136/spcare-2024-004787

de Graaf L, Bresson M, Boulanger M, Bureau M, Lecluse Y, Lebailly P, Baldi I. Pesticide exposure in greenspaces: Comparing field measurement of dermal contamination with values predicted by registration models. Sci Total Environ. 2024;919:170816. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170816

Dinart D, Rondeau V, Bellera C. Sample Size Estimation Using a Partially Clustered Frailty Model for Biomarker-Strategy Designs With Multiple Treatments. Pharm Stat. 2024;23(6):1084-94. https://doi.org/10.1002/pst.2407

Galey L, Nascimento A, Cuvelier L, Mollo V, Albert M, Brossard M, Gaillard I, Marquet A, Boccara V, Delgoulet C, Garrigou A. Developmental approach of safety in ergonomics/human factors: insights of constructed safety in six work environments. Ergonomics. 2024:1-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2024.2390127

Manangama G, Galera C, Audignon-Durand S, Gramond C, Tartaglia M, Zaros C, Teysseire R, Brochard P, Sentilhes L, Delva F. Maternal occupational exposure to carbonaceous nanoscale particles and neurodevelopmental outcomes in early childhood: Analysis of the French Longitudinal Study of Children – Elfe study. Environ Res. 2024;248:118364. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2024.118364

Menant M, Benlala I, Thaon I, Andujar P, Julia B, Brochard P, Chouaid C, Clin B, Gislard A, Gramond C, Paris C, Pairon J-C, Delva F. Relationships between asbestos exposure and pleural plaques: dose and time effects using fractional polynomials. Occup Environ Med. 2024;81(6):313-9. https://doi.org/10.1136/oemed-2023-108975

Mohammadnejad A, Ryg J, Ewertz M, Jylhava J, Hjelmborg Jv, Galvin A. Association of cancer with functional decline at old age: a longitudinal study in Danish twins. Scand J Public Health. 2024:14034948241240823. https://doi.org/10.1177/14034948241240823

Poiseuil M, Molinie F, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS, Laville I, Fauvernier M, Remontet L, Amadeo B, Coureau G. Impact of organized and opportunistic screening on excess mortality and on social inequalities in breast cancer survival. Int J Cancer. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1002/ijc.35173

Renier M, Hippert J, Louis-Bastien W, Tual S, Meryet-Figuiere M, Vigneron N, Marcotullio E, Baldi I, Lebailly P, group A. Agricultural exposure and risk of ovarian cancer in the AGRIculture and CANcer (AGRICAN) cohort. Occup Environ Med. 2024;81(2):75-83. https://doi.org/10.1136/oemed-2023-109089

View all of the team’s publications in Oskar

Last News

photo femme enceinte travaillant assise au bureau
Posted on : 12 Mar 2025

Presentation award - Data driven approaches to study maternal occupational multi-exposures during pregnancy and intrauterine growth: analysis of the ELFE study

Members of the EPICENE team at the BPH analysed maternal professional multiple exposures during pregnancy and their link with intrauterine growth, based on data from the ELFE cohort, using data-driven approaches. The results of this study suggest a role for chemical, biological and postural exposures in intrauterine growth, underlining the importance of appropriate preventive strategies […]
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Photo personne regardant une lame au microscope
Posted on : 12 Mar 2025

The National League Against Cancer renews her label of the research team: Epidemiology of Adult Leukemia and Lymphoma (ELLA)

Non classé
    To develop knowledge of the epidemiology of haematological malignancies according to their histo-cytological subtype in two specific areas, the EPICENE team at the BPH has been awarded a 3-year label by the Ligue Contre le Cancer (League Against Cancer). The results of their work will help to better characterise environmental and work-related risks, […]
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Posted on : 12 Mar 2025

Ecophyto funding for a multidisciplinary projet “One Health”

    In response to the VITISAFE call for projects, the EPICENE team at the BPH has received funding from the Ecophyto plan to be part of a multidisciplinary project. Based on a ‘One Health’ approach, they will be working on the links between pesticides and global health in wine-growing areas         […]
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photo de deux personnes hospitalisées se tenant la main
Posted on : 11 Mar 2025

End of inclusions in the ETIOSARC population study and new funding from the National Cancer Institute for an initial data valorization

Major publication
Sarcomas are a rare type of cancer that develops in the connective tissue of organs. We suspect some environmental factors may contribute to their development, but to the present day our understanding of these factors is very limited. To better understand the origin of sarcomas, a research platform called ETIOSARC has recorded data from around […]
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Posted on : 07 Mar 2024

Seminar ‘Results of the SPRINT project - Impacts of pesticides on the environment and human health: how can we achieve a sustainable transition?

          This seminar will be an opportunity to present the results of the European SPRINT project on ‘Impacts of pesticides on the environment and human health: what path to a sustainable transition? To mark the occasion, we are organising a morning dedicated to disseminating the project’s key results.       […]
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Posted on : 24 May 2023

PUBLICATIONS: 2 publications studying women's participation in screening for three cancers have just been published by researchers from the Epicene team

Two publications studying women’s participation in screening for cancers have just been published by researchers from the Epicene team From the age of 50, a French woman is invited to participate in 3 organized cancer screenings (breast, colorectal, cervical*). What are their behaviors and possible explanations for non-participation? A questionnaire was proposed to women aged […]
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Posted on : 10 Nov 2022

Les chercheurs de l’équipe EPICENE du BPH interviendront au prochain séminaire Vins & environnement du 15 novembre prochain sur la question de la santé en lien avec les utilisations de pesticides en vigne

Ce 6ème séminaire Vins & environnement organisé par l’ISVV Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin de l’Université de Bordeaux, en partenariat avec INNO’VIN le cluster de la filière vitivinicole en Nouvelle-Aquitaine portera sur « Viticulture, pesticides et santé : Que récolte la recherche ? » Contact : Isabelle.baldi@u-bordeaux.fr Mathilde Bureau@u-bordeaux.fr Le séminaire […]
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Chargée de projets scientifiques pesticides & santé


Doctorante en ergonomie


Maître de conférences


Ingénieure de recherche, PhD






Attachée de recherche clinique


Attachée de recherche clinique




Chargée de projets scientifiques Pesticides et Santé

Canal RaffinMireille

MCU-PH, enseignant chercheur


Pharmacien Épidémiologiste


Institut Bergonié


MCU-PH en santé travail Equipe EPICENE



Ingénieure d'études


Assistante Administrative


Médecin épidémiologiste MCU-PH


PhD Student



Chercheur Inserm

de GraafLucie








Hygieniste industriel



Attachée de recherche clinique




Attachée de Recherche Clinique


Professeur des universités en ergonomie


Epidémiologiste - cheffe de projet




Jestin GuyonNolwenn



Chargée de recherche INSERM





Praticien hospitalier des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer





Post Doctorante


Attachée de Recherche Clinique

Raherison Chantal









Attachée de recherche clinique