The National League Against Cancer renews her label of the research team: Epidemiology of Adult Leukemia and Lymphoma (ELLA)
To develop knowledge of the epidemiology of haematological malignancies according to their histo-cytological subtype in two specific areas, the EPICENE team at the BPH has been awarded a 3-year label by the Ligue Contre le Cancer (League Against Cancer).
The results of their work will help to better characterise environmental and work-related risks, to better evaluate the quality of the care pathway in order to better organise care and vulnerable populations, and to identify new prognostic factors in order to prepare new therapeutic strategies in the era of targeted therapies

Photo de National Cancer Institute sur Unsplash
The aim of the Ligue Contre le Cancer’s 3-year accreditation of a research team is to encourage the development of basic cancer research by providing substantial financial support to basic cancer research teams recognised for their excellence. In 2022, 97 research teams were awarded this label.
This labelling programme is a national initiative launched by the Ligue Contre le Cancer in 1999 in the form of a call for projects. It has enabled significant multi-year financial support to be granted to cancer research teams. It is recognised as a major contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the biology of cancer, covering various aspects such as genomics, signalling and immunology.
The selection of teams to receive the label is based on four main factors:
- Quality and originality of the work on which the applicant team’s scientific project is based
- Scientific excellence
- Feasibility of the project (including the composition and level of the team, as well as the availability of equipment and resources)
- Concordance with the objectives of the League’s scientific policy
The research subject of the EPICENE team at the BPH, which has been awarded this label, is ‘Epidemiology of haematological malignancies according to subtype: risk factors, survival and determinants of management’.
The objectives are to develop knowledge of the epidemiology of haematological malignancies according to their histo-cytological subtype in two specific areas:
1) by carrying out geographical studies of the incidence of haematological malignancies in relation to certain environmental factors such as pesticides, electromagnetic fields and air pollution
2) by analysing certain prognostic factors such as stress at work, professional reintegration, the prognostic impact of body mass index or exposure to ionising radiation using a real-life cohort, REALYSA.
The REALYSA study (a partnership between the Hospices Civils de Lyon, LYSA/LYSARC, Inserm and the FRANCIM network of cancer registries) is a national real-life study of lymphoma patients. The aim of the project is to learn more about lymphoma and patients’ lives, in order to optimise their care and quality of life.
Over several years, 6 000 lymphoma patients will be observed in leading haematology departments across France. This study, the only one of its kind in France, will generate high-quality scientific data on a range of lymphoma-related issues.
La Ligue contre le cancer | Ligue contre le cancer
REALYSA, étude nationale en vie réelle sur les lymphomes – Experts Recherche Lymphome