Assessing Health in a Digitalizing Real-World Setting Pharmacoepi & beyond

Université de Bordeaux – ISPED case 11
146 rue Léo-Saignat
33076 BORDEAUX cedex
We are interested in better understanding healthcare real-world setting and better assessing medicines in this observational environment.
In particular, we aim to investigate trajectories of care and their determinants, with a specific interest into emergency care use from one side, and trajectories of care for patients with chronic diseases relating to cardiovascular health or mental health from the other.
Research areas
In the past five years, we belonged to three different teams (“Pharmacoepidemiology – Pharmacoepi”; “Injuries – IETO”; “Informatics in Health – ERIAS”). The collaborations we developed ultimately concentrated most of our teams research efforts, typically around the secondary use of electronic databases for the study of health and medicines in a real-world setting,
Anticipating the research challenges that will emerge from the multiplication, diversification, and complexification of digital health data, we decided to join forces into the AHeaD team project.
This will combine our originating teams expertise in electronic health records databases (HERs), hospital datawarehouses, ontologies, data visualization, knowledge representation, and machine learning and natural language processing for health research, thus constituting a tremendous research opportunity.
Indeed, if the questions and needs for health assessment in real-world settings will remain, how to answer these questions will likely change dramatically. In the coming years, the use of electronic health databases, that developed tremendously over the past 30 years, will need to be complemented using information from other sources that will help strengthen and substantiate the real-world evidence provided. Building bridges between applied health research, already widely using EHRs, and informatics consequently appears as a requirement when envisioning the future development of health-assessment in real-world settings.
EHDS project and regulatory information
Projet EHDS et informations réglementaires
You will find all the regulatory information (in French) relating to the EHDS project on the link below or in the publication at the bottom of the page /
Vous trouverez toutes les informations réglementaires (en français) relatives au projet EHDS sur le lien ci-dessous ou sur la publication en bas de page
2024 Key Publications
Azzi R, Bordea G, Griffier R, Nikiema JN, Fleur M. Enriching the FIDEO ontology with food-drug interactions from online knowledge sources. J Biomed Semantics. 2024;15(1):1. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13326-024-00302-5
Benard-Laribiere A, Pambrun E, Kouzan S, Faillie J-L, Bezin J, Pariente A. Association of fluoroquinolones with the risk of spontaneous pneumothorax: nationwide case-time-control study. Thorax. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1136/thorax-2024-221779
de Germay S, Pambrun E, Pariente A, Grenet G, Bezin J, Faillie J-L. Use of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors in France: Analysis of French nationwide health insurance database. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2024;26(5):1678-86. https://doi.org/10.1111/dom.15472
Fusaroli M, Salvo F, Begaud B, AlShammari TM, Bate A, Battini V, […], Pariente A, et al. The REporting of A Disproportionality Analysis for DrUg Safety Signal Detection Using Individual Case Safety Reports in PharmacoVigilance (READUS-PV): Explanation and Elaboration. Drug Saf. 2024;47(6):585-99. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40264-024-01423-7
Fusaroli M, Salvo F, Begaud B, AlShammari TM, Bate A, Battini V, […], Pariente A, Pet al. The Reporting of a Disproportionality Analysis for Drug Safety Signal Detection Using Individual Case Safety Reports in PharmacoVigilance (READUS-PV): Development and Statement. Drug Saf. 2024;47(6):575-84. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40264-024-01421-9
Guerra Adames A, Avalos M, Doremus O, Gil-Jardine C, Lagarde E. Uncovering Judgment Biases in Emergency Triage: A Public Health Approach Based on Large Language Models. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. 2024.
Russon D, Avalos M, Guerra-Adames A, Gil-Jardine C, Lagarde E, editors. AI-Driven Emergency Patient Flow Optimization is Both an Unmissable Opportunity and a Risk of Systematizing Health Disparities. FLAIRS-37 2024 – 37th International FLAIRS Conference; 2024 May 19; Miramar Beach, United States: LibraryPress@UF; https://inria.hal.science/hal-04575571/document
Sylla B, Ouedraogo I, Gayo D. Advancing Digital Health initiatives in developing regions: A Path to Universal Health Coverage. J Med Internet Res. 2024.
Szeftel D, Jouhet V, Duluc G, Charle-Maachi C, Sejourne T, Fabiano J, Guimiot H, Gaignon A, Germain C, Demanet Q, Merieux E, Rapp T. Health data: Regionalised access is a priority challenge for building a secure, transparent and innovative national health data repository. Therapie. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.therap.2024.12.008
Tandzi Tonleu F, Pilet C, Lagarde E, Gil-Jardine C, Galinski M, Lafont S. 5-1 – Facteurs psycho affectifs et douleur sévère à la sortie des urgences, France. J Epidemiol Popul Health. 2024;72:202575. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeph.2024.202575
Last News

Emmanuel Lagarde, President of the New Expert Committee at the Conseil National de Sécurité Routière (CNSR)
Interdisciplinary observatory on digital technologies for surveillance in democracy
Notice d'information à destination des participants

Premier Happy Hour de la recherche en Pharmacie
Al JobooriSamantha
Gestionnaire financière et comptableAwukluKokou-Yvon
Chercheur postdoctoralBaumevieilleMarie
PharmD - MSc, Drugs-SafeRBezinJulien
Maitre de Conférence des Universités - Praticien HospitalierBouchetStephane
ATER, PhD studentBouyerBenjamin
Researcher - Coordinator of the orthopedic pharmacoepidemiology axisCatherineauAlexandre
PhD graduate studentCombesXavier
Statisticien / Data ManagerCossinSebastien
Assistant Hospitalier UniversitaireDaveluyAmélie
de Germaysibylle
Assistante Hospitalo-UniversitaireDialloGayo
HDR- Professeur en Informatique - Directeur adjoint AHeaDDomensAudrey
Assistante administrative et financièreDranceMartin
du SoulierNathan
Doctorant en PharmacoépidémiologiedugaAlemayehu
MCU-PH, PharmD PhDGalinskiMichel
Doctorant - PhD StudentGigouVéronique
Adjointe en gestion administrativeGriotMarine
Doctoral StudentGuyonJoris
Ingénieure d'études - StatisticienneJouhetVianney
Directeur équipe IETOMATHIEUClément
Post-doctorante en pharmaco-épidémiologieMiremontGhada
PU PH Chef du Service de PharmacologieMOUGINFleur
Pr in Computer ScienceNoizePernelle
Praticien hospitalier - ChercheurOuedraogoIsmaila
Directeur - Equipe AHeaD, Inserm U1219 BPHPerinoJustine
Doctorante en pharmaco-épidémiologiePradeauCatherine
Health Data Science EngineerRevelPhilippe
Professor MD, PhD, HDRRussonDylan
MD, PhDSalvoFrancesco
Senior Researcher - Hospitali PractitionerSILVA Maria Laura
Maître de ConférencesSingierAllison
PhD StudentSyllaBry
MD, PhDThiao-LayelBruno
Doctorant en informatique et santéThiessardFrantz