
SAB meeting at BPH – on Octobre 25th & 26th, 2018


The research center U1219 Bordeaux Population Health (BPH) received the visit of the Science advisory board (SAB) on 25 and 26 of October, at its premises, in Bordeaux.

This session was devoted to a mid-point review, since the creation of the BPH in january 2016, and to have a global evaluation on the development strategy of the differents teams of the BPH.

This assessment is based on usual markers such as publications, recruitments, contracts and the projects carried out by the teams.


The SAB meeting in Bordeaux comprises a group of 5 members:

Stephen MacMahon (president) : CV    https://www.georgeinstitute.org/people/stephen-macmahon-ao

Terence Dwyer : CV   https://www.wrh.ox.ac.uk/team/terence-dwyer

John Gallacher : CV    https://www.psych.ox.ac.uk/team/john-gallacher

Rick Grobbee : CV   https://www.umcutrecht.nl/en/Research/Strategic-themes/Circulatory-Health/Prof-dr-Rick-Grobbee

Amanda Sacker : CV    https://www.iser.essex.ac.uk/people/research-associates/4200


SAB meeting programm