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Posted on : 12 Apr 2016

Obesity, diabetes: BPH researchers are currently involved in two major international studies.


In the context of the 3C study (, the Bordeaux population Health research center is involved in two major international studies on the rising levels of obesity and diabetes in the world, published on April, 2nd and 9th in the Lancet, and massively carried in the media. For each study, respectively based on 19.2 millions […]

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Nos actualités
Posted on : 29 Mar 2016

Researchers from the BPH participate in the European project “Sense-Cog”, on the relationships of dementia with visual and hearing impairments.


The combined issue of dementia and age-related hearing and vision problems is to be tackled by a consortium headed by The University of Manchester. The SENSE-Cog project involves, among others, Cécile Delcourt (LEHA – team leader in the BPH Research Center) as the leader of the Bordeaux campus project, the EUCLID platform as the leader […]

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Posted on : 23 Feb 2016

New Study Reveals Incidence of Dementia May be Declining


Despite the concern of an explosion of dementia cases in an aging population over the next few decades, a new study, based on data from the Framingham Heart Study* (FHS), and carried out in collaboration between Inserm researchers at the Bordeaux School of Public Health / Inserm in France and Boston University School of Medicine […]

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Posted on : 09 Dec 2015

EBOVAC2: launching of the recruiting campain.


Rodolphe Thiebaut,deputy director oh the research center U897 and director of the team SISTM, is the coordinator of the EBOVAC2 project, which launches its recruiting campain on the 8th of december. The project, a collaborative effort, funded under a grant from the Innovative Medicines Initiative Ebola+ programme. EBOVAC2 was launched in response to the Ebola […]

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Posted on : 04 Nov 2015

Highlights in novembre !


11th Canceropole day : 5th and 6th novembre 2015. Annual meeting for researchers and clinicians to meet and discuss about the different programms of the Canceropole. On the friday 6th novembre in the afternoon (02:00 pm), the team “Cancer and environmental exposures” from the research Center “Epidemiology and Biostatistics” will lead a conference about “Environmental […]

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Posted on : 08 Jul 2015

The Center U897 launches the first neuroepidemiology summer school !


From the 28th of September to the 2nd of October, Bordeaux welcomes “Neurepiomics”, the first summer school about neuroepidemiology in the “omics” era. Organised by Pr. Stephanie Debette, research director at the center, and Pr. Christophe Tzourio, head of the research center, this first edition is designed in close partnership with Pr. Sudha Seshadri, from […]

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Posted on : 01 Jun 2015

Cholesterol-lowering drugs may reduce the risk of stroke in low-risk elderly patients, a study published in the BMJ !


A team from the Research center Inserm U897 “Epidemiology and biostatistics” based in Bordeaux – France set out to determine the association between use of lipid lowering drugs (statins or fribates) in healthy older people and long term risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. The BMJ (British medicine journal) published a press release about […]

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Posted on : 20 May 2015

Cholesterol drugs may curb strokes among low-risk older adults


Cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statins may reduce the risk of stroke in low-risk elderly patients, a French study suggests. Find all the articles below: 2015-05-19_DailyExpress – Statins to fight against stroke deaths 2015-05-19_Reuters-Cholesterol drugs may curb strokes among low-risk older adults 2015-05-19-medscape 2015-05-20_PulseToday – Statins ‘reduced risk of stroke by 30’ News Article Pulse Today […]

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Posted on : 23 Apr 2015

Orange’s « Data for Development » Challenge rewards the research center U897 !


The ERIAS “Computer research applied to health” emerging team from the research center U897 “Epidemiology and biostatistics” is the winner of the Practical application prize, in the Method category, awarded by an international jury of experts selected by Orange for the 2nd edition of its challenge “Data for Development” (D4D) dedicated this year to Senegal*. […]

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