
Creation of SO-RISP, a national network dedicated to intervention research in population health, particularly in the fields of cancer and addiction prevention.


MéRISP et IPREV: Creation of SO-RISP,
a national network dedicated to intervention research in population health,
particularly in the fields of cancer and addiction prevention.

Within the PHARes (Population Health trAnslational Research) team of the BPH (Bordeaux Population Health – INSERM U1219), the two research areas MéRISP (Méthodes de recherche interventionnelle pour la santé des populations) and I-prev (Innovation pour la prévention dans le système de santé) are currently contributing to the development of an innovative network in the field of Population Health Intervention Research (PHIR), bringing together five national multi-site structures with complementary disciplines and skills.
In association with the Methodological Support and Innovation in Prevention Department (SSMIP) of the Public Health Unit of the Bordeaux University Hospital, as part of the EVIDANS consortium, this multi-professional hospital-university team, which includes nearly forty researchers, engineers and other research staff, is working to ensure that RISP is recognised and revitalised at national level.

Laureate of two calls for projects issued by INCa1 and IReSP2, the network is also the beneficiary of a grant awarded by cancéropôle Grand Sud Ouest3 (GSO) as part of its support for structuring local actions.

Organization of the SO-RISP network

The SO-RISP network is co-directed by Linda Cambon, teacher-researcher, holder of the Prevention chair at the University of Bordeaux – member of the Collège du Haut Conseil de Santé Publique, and Florence Cousson-Gélie, teacher-researcher, scientific director of the ICM Prevention Department (Epidaure) and professor of health psychology at the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3.

In addition to MéRISP and Iprev, the other teams making up the network are :

  • EPSYLON, the psychology research laboratory at Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III,
  • EQUITY, the research team attached to the CERPOP laboratory at Toulouse III Paul Sabatier University,
  • EPIDAURE, the Prevention Department of the Montpellier Cancer Institute (ICM), which is also the network’s field operator.

SO-RISP, committed teams

Population Health Intervention Research (PHIR), defined as the use of scientific methods to produce knowledge about interventions, programs and policies4, is based on a multi-partner, collaborative population approach involving the various stakeholders (field workers, decision-makers, funders, citizens, etc.).
RISP is concerned with complex systems, and aspires to develop knowledge about interventions5, both within and outside the health sector, that aim to modify the distribution of risk factors and socio-cultural and environmental determinants of health in a population.
This means shifting the focus of research efforts from the What (cause(s) of disease(s)) to the How (prevention and health promotion actions).

Network operational priorities

In order to conduct its multi-year scientific program over four years (initial funding period),
4 operational axes are currently deployed by the network:

  • Conceptual and methodological development in RISP,
  • Development of tools and support for (young) researchers wishing to become involved in the field of RISP,
  • Training (future) researchers in the specificities of this field of research,
  • Developing knowledge transfer, particularly to stakeholders and decision-makers. The SO-RISP network will soon have its own website and LinkedIn page, so don’t hesitate to follow them to find out more!

=> Follow SO-RISP LinkedIn Account

1. INCA -1681. Cette recherche est soutenue par l’INCa dans le cadre de l’appel à projet « Réseaux de recherche en prévention primaire des cancers 2021
2. IRESP- AAPSPA2021-V1-06. Cette recherche a été financée par l’IReSP dans le cadre de l’appel à actions structurantes pour la recherche sur les usages et les addictions aux substances psychoactives 2021
3. AAP Actions locales structurantes 2021. Cette recherche bénéficie du soutien du cancéropôle GSO
4. Potvin Louise, What is a population health intervention research ? Revue canadienne de santé publique, vol.100, n°1, 2009, pp 8-14
5. i.e. stratégies, politiques publiques, programmes, événements, activités, selon le niveau de gouvernance associé