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Publié le : 25 Nov 2019

Conference 6 december 2019 : Preventing cognitive decline and dementia: reflections from an epidemiological perspective


This event is been organised by Public Health Department,  Bordeaux Population Health – UMR 1219 and ISPED – School of Public Health organised as a « Research and practice in public health » conference. 6 december 2019 Amphi Pierre-Alexandre Louis – 11ampm to 12am Campus Carreire Free entrance, conference in English   Archana Singh-Manoux Directeur de Recherche, […]

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Publié le : 19 Nov 2019

Conference 28 nov 2019 : Communicating health risks and scientific uncertainty – Prof. David Spiegelhalter, Cambridge University


This event is been organised by Public Health Department,  Bordeaux Population Health – UMR 1219 and ISPED – School of Public Health organised as a « Research and practice in public health » conference.  28 november 2019 Amphi Pierre-Alexandre Louis – 5:30pm to 6h30pm Campus Carreire Free entrance, conference in English   « Communicating health risks and scientific […]

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Publié le : 15 Nov 2019

Launch of the IRAZU Project (PHRC-K 2018)

Actualités du centre

The IRAZU project focuses on the impact of cardiovascular co-morbidities on the efficacy of bevacizumab, in real care setting, in elderly subjects with metastatic colorectal cancer. Information concerning the evaluation of the effect of treatments in the elderly is often missing in clinical trials, especially when the interest resides on the effect of another disease […]

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Publié le : 07 Nov 2019

SHIVA project coordinated by Vintage team selected in the call « Hospital-University Research in Health » (RHU4)


The SHIVA project, coordinated by Professor Stéphanie Debette (BPH, VINTAGE team) and co-coordinated by Prof. Thierry Couffinhal (Inserm U1034), awarded 8.2M€, is one of the winners of the “Hospital-University Research in Health”-call of the French government “Investments for the Future” program to support innovative and large-scale research projects in the field of health. Supported by […]

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Publié le : 11 Oct 2019

Maude Wagner PhD student BPH Inserm Research Center-University of Bordeaux is nominated for L’Oréal-UNESCO 2019 French Awards


Maude Wagner PhD student at the BPH Inserm Research Center-University of Bordeaux is one of 35 laureats of the French L’Oréal-UNESCO « For Women in Science » 2019 Award (For Women In Science FWIS). Science has always had a essential place for L’Oreal’s activities. The firm is also world champion for gender equality and believes that women […]

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Publié le : 02 Avr 2019

International Lymphoma Epidemiology Consortium Annual Meeting in Bordeaux from June 24 to 27, 2019


Alain Monnereau of the Epicene team, coordinator of the InterLymph consortium since 3 years, is organizing its congress in Bordeaux from 24 to 27 June 2019. The InterLymph consortium, is the international consortium of investigators working on non-hodgkin’s lymphoma epidemiologic studies, is an open scientific forum for epidemiologic research in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Formed in 2001, […]

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Publié le : 01 Avr 2019

Rodolphe Thiébaut nominated as chair of the scientific council of IWHOD worshop

Actualités du centre

The International Workshop on HIV and Hepatitis Observational Databases (IWHOD) brings senior and junior HIV and hepatitis observational database researchers together to advance the methodology and analysis of observational data. No other workshop or conference devotes attention to the methodology of setting up and analyzing observational data, despite their importance in providing critical information on […]

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Publié le : 22 Mar 2019

Kick-off meeting of the project « INTENSE-TBM » Partnering for better care in TB Meningitis


The kick-off meeting of the INTENSE-TBM project was held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on March 21 and 22, 2019 in the premises of the PAC-CI program, one of the project partners. It marked the beginning of this five-year international project, funded by EDCTP2 (The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership), sponsored by Inserm-ANRS and […]

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Publié le : 17 Jan 2019

TB-Speed International training


The TB-Speed International training session took place in Kampala, Uganda from December 3 to 8, 2018. This international training session organized shortly before the start of the first inclusions in the different TB-Speed studies gathered in Kampala more than 80 staffs from the multidisciplinary research coordination team from 8 participating countries (Cameroon, Cambodia, Côte d’Ivoire, […]

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Publié le : 10 Jan 2019

Happy new year !

Actualités du centre

The teams and the whole staff of the research center “Bordeaux population health” wish you a very happy new year !  

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Publié le : 25 Oct 2018

SAB meeting at BPH – on Octobre 25th & 26th, 2018

Actualités du centre

The research center U1219 Bordeaux Population Health (BPH) received the visit of the Science advisory board (SAB) on 25 and 26 of October, at its premises, in Bordeaux. This session was devoted to a mid-point review, since the creation of the BPH in january 2016, and to have a global evaluation on the development strategy […]

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Publié le : 22 Oct 2018

Promesses et défis autour du concept d’exposome pour la recherche sur la santé environnementale


Rémy Slama Senior investigator Team of Environmental Epidemiology applied to Reproduction and Respiratory health Department of Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases IAB – Institute for Advanced Biosciences Inserm 1209 – CNRS 5309 and the Grenoble Alpes University (UGA)

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Publié le : 17 Oct 2018

Developing and evaluating digital surveillance technologies to enable precision public health – The PopHR project


Abstract Rapid increases in data availability and computing capacity are creating new opportunities for public health surveillance to guide effective action. In this presentation I will describe the Population Health Record (PopHR), which is a ‘Big Data’ platform that uses artificial intelligence to integrate data from multiples sources and present indicators to users in manner […]

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Publié le : 17 Oct 2018

Analyse quantitative et diagnostic assisté par ordinateur pour la neuro-imagerie


Pictura research group is located at the LaBRI lab, Bordeaux, France. Pictura mainly focuses on the developement of efficient patch-based methods (a.k.a nonlocal methods) and their application in specific domain such as medical images or natural image editing problems. The expertise of the Pictura group includes segmentation, reconstruction or synthesis of n-dimensionnal images.

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Publié le : 11 Oct 2018

Resistance in bacteria causing sexually transmitted infections (STIs): the next pandemic?


Bio Teaching Module Organiser: « Control of STI » since 1997. Regular teaching on the MSc Control of Infectious Diseases, the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, and the MSc in Reproductive and Sexual Health Research at LSHTM; External teaching ongoing at the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium; Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo […]

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Les actualités BPH