Posted on : 12 May 2023

A review article just published by Krier et al in JAMDA journal to identify the impact of new initiatives for people with dementia in long-term care facilities and those making society more inclusive.


Village Landais Alzheimer – ©Département des Landes/S.Zambon A review article just published by Krier et al in JAMDA journalto identify the impact of new initiatives for people with dementiawin long-term care facilities and those making society more inclusive. Numerous initiatives are emerging to improve the care management of persons suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or related […]

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Posted on : 19 Apr 2023

Publication in Nature Medicine:
Large genomic study on perivascular space burden unravels early mechanisms of cerebral small vessel disease


The results of a large genomic study on perivascular spaces, coordinated by researchers from the ELEANORE team and the Institute of Clinical Neurodegenerative Diseases at the University Hospital of Bordeaux, have been published in the journal Nature Medicine. The study reveals mechanisms involved early in the disease of small cerebral arteries.   Cerebral small vessel […]

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Posted on : 09 Mar 2023

Cannabis and sleep: insomnia is twice as common in students who use it every day


Researchers from the HEALTHY team published in Psychiatry Research an in-depth analysis of the association between cannabis use and sleep disturbance in a large university student sample of 14,787 individuals from the i-Share cohort. In France, more than half of all students have sleep disorders. These alterations are all the more worrying because they can […]

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Posted on : 28 Feb 2023

Publication of the OptiMA clinical trial in eClinicalMedicine concerning the most severely malnourished children


Publication of the OptiMA clinical trial in eClinicalMedicine concerning the most severely malnourished children The GHiGS team, in partnership with the humanitarian NGO ALIMA and the National Nutrition Program of the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC), had implemented a randomized clinical trial in Kasai, DRC, to evaluate a new strategy called “OptiMA,”. In this trial, […]

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Posted on : 04 Oct 2022

Une vaste étude génomique internationale sur les accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) ouvre de nouvelles perspectives en termes d’innovation thérapeutique et de prédiction de risque.


Alors que l’AVC est la deuxième cause de décès dans le monde, la plus grande étude génomique jamais réalisée sur les AVC vient de révéler des informations majeures publiées dans Nature le 28 septembre. Portant sur plus de 200 000 patients victimes d’AVC et plus de 2 millions d’individus témoins d’origines géographiques très diverses, ces […]

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Posted on : 28 Jun 2022

Classification des aliments selon leur degré de transformation: NOVA n’est pas aussi robuste qu’il n’y parait !


European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2022), article Open Access Bien que le système de classification NOVA en fonction de critères liés à la transformation des aliments soit largement utilisé, sa robustesse et ses fonctionnalités restent peu explorées. Cette étude, menée par une équipe de chercheurs dont Catherine Féart de l’équipe LEHA du BPH a déterminé […]

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Posted on : 20 Apr 2022

Les têtes au football


Une équipe de recherche française publie une série de données inédites sur une pratique pas si anodine pour la santé des joueurs.   Le Docteur Hélène Cassoudesalle et le Professeur Patrick Dehail, deux médecins hospitalo-universitaires au CHU et à l’université de Bordeaux et membres de l’équipe Inserm ACTIVE du centre de recherche Bordeaux Population Health […]

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Posted on : 24 Feb 2020

The Sud-Ouest newspaper announced the launch of the Sobeezy Project!


Karine Pérès is co-founder of a the Sobeezy project combining digital technology and a large solidarity network, designed particularly for the elderly to tackle social isolation in maintaining social ties. After a set of tests and a co-construction with a varied panel of users and local partners, Sud-Ouest is echoing the initiative’s next launch in May […]

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Posted on : 18 Feb 2020

Chronic medical conditions in elderly and crash risks – results of Juan Naredo Turrado’s publication in REUTERS.com


February 11, Reuters.com presented results from the scientific publication of the Injury epidemiology, transport, occupation IETO team: Naredo Turrado J, Orriols L, Contrand B, et al Chronic medical conditions and their association with crash risk and changes in driving habits: a prospective study of the GAZEL cohort Injury Prevention Published Online First: 15 January 2020. […]

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Posted on : 22 Aug 2018

Association of Cardiovascular Health Level in Older Age With Cognitive Decline and Incident Dementia


Inserm researchers from the Bordeaux Population Health Research Center, the Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, the University of Bordeaux and the cohort of 3 cities have shown that maintaining at an optimal level and combining several factors and behaviors beneficial to the heart was associated with a decreased risk of developing dementia and cognitive decline after […]

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Posted on : 28 Jul 2016

Limits of HIV treatment as prevention


Large study spotlights limits of HIV treatment as prevention.The study, called Treatment as Prevention (TasP), began in 2012 and enrolled 28,000 people in KwaZulu-Natal, the hardest hit province in South Africa. Sponsored by the French national research agency known as ANRS, TasP tested participants in 22 separate communities, which each had an HIV prevalence of […]

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Posted on : 20 May 2015

Cholesterol drugs may curb strokes among low-risk older adults


Cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statins may reduce the risk of stroke in low-risk elderly patients, a French study suggests. Find all the articles below: 2015-05-19_DailyExpress – Statins to fight against stroke deaths 2015-05-19_Reuters-Cholesterol drugs may curb strokes among low-risk older adults 2015-05-19-medscape 2015-05-20_PulseToday – Statins ‘reduced risk of stroke by 30’ News Article Pulse Today […]

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