Posted on : 04 Oct 2024

Hope in the fight against HIV: prophylactic vaccine candidate shows encouraging results


This innovative vaccine candidate called CD40.HIVRI.Env, demonstrated its safety and ability to induce a rapid and durable immune response in the phase I ANRS VRI06 clinical trial .   image : pexels-ron-lach-9893851   This result is the outcome of a collaborative research project between the Vaccine Research Institute (VRI), https://vaccine-research-institute.fr/fr of Inserm, Université Paris-Est Créteil, […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 04 Apr 2024

Study on the mental health of students, 4 years after the lockdown. Effects still struggling to subside
– Press Review


Study on the Mental Health of Students,4 Years After the Lockdown.Effects Still Struggling to Subside Press Review Four years have now passed since the initial lockdowns in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. These policies have had a considerable impact across all layers of the population, with effects that are still struggling to diminish. The HEALTHY […]

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Posted on : 22 Mar 2024

PRESS RELEASE: Decentralising the diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis to district hospitals and primary health centres in high tuberculosis incidence and resource-limited countries


Decentralising the diagnosis of childhood tuberculosisto district hospitals and primary health centresin high tuberculosis incidence and resource-limited countries Two articles from one study focusing on decentralising the diagnosis of childhood TB to district hospitals (DH) and primary health centres (PHC) in high tuberculosis incidence countries have just been published in eClinicalMedicine. The study was carried […]

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Posted on : 20 Mar 2024

A study into the state of French health before the Covid-19 pandemic is a key step towards a better understanding of its impact.


A study into the state of French health before the Covid-19 pandemicis a key step towards a better understanding of its impact. Pour mettre en place des politiques de santé publique adaptées, il est crucial de connaître l’état de santé de la population ainsi que son évolution au cours du temps. C’est d’autant plus vrai […]

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Posted on : 12 Feb 2024

Press Release: Air pollution and retinal neurodegeneration in residents of Bordeaux


Press Release Air pollution and retinal neurodegeneration in residents of Bordeaux In a ten-year follow-up study of a cohort of 683 elderly people from Bordeaux, published in the journal Environmental Research, researchers from the BPH found accelerated thinning of the retinal nerve fibre layer in people with greater exposure to air pollution, particularly those with […]

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Posted on : 07 Feb 2024

Covid-19 : Etude de l’efficacité des mesures instaurées contre le virus en France


Covid-19 : Etude de l’efficacité des mesures instaurées contre le virus en France Des chercheurs de l’université et du CHU de Bordeaux, de l’Inserm et d’Inria publient des estimations sur l’efficacité des mesures restrictives (confinement, couvre-feu…) et de la politique vaccinale à partir d’une modélisation mathématique des données françaises. Ces résultats sont publiés dans la […]

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Posted on : 30 Jan 2024

Could retinal photographs allow early detection of people at risk of dementia ?


Cerebral vascular lesions, in particular cerebral small vessel disease, are major contributors to cognitive decline and dementia. The aim of this study was to assess whether changes in the small retinal vessels, which are easily visible on a fundus photograph, could help to identify at an early stage people at risk of developing dementia in […]

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Posted on : 18 Dec 2023

Une nouvelle étude éclaircit le lien entre les symptômes de TDAH pendant l’enfance et plusieurs comorbidités médicales non psychiatriques


Le TDAH (ADHD en anglais) se manifeste par des niveaux élevés d’inattention et/ou d’agitation et d’impulsivité. © Adobe Stock Une nouvelle étude éclaircit le lien entre les symptômes de TDAHpendant l’enfance et plusieurs comorbidités médicales non psychiatriques Le trouble du déficit de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDAH) touche de nombreux enfants et s’accompagne souvent […]

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Posted on : 12 Oct 2023

A genomic study by ELEANOR team & CADISP consortium among the Top picks of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology


A genomic study by ELEANOR team & CADISP consortiumamong the Top picks of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology Cervical artery dissection is a major cause of ischemic stroke in young adults. It involves bleeding into the wall of the carotid or vertebral arteries, which “tears” the artery (hence the term dissection) longitudinally […]

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Posted on : 21 Sep 2023

Alzheimer’s disease: Is research at a major turning point in the treatment of the disease?


Alzheimer’s disease:Is research at a major turning point in the treatment of the disease A l’occasion de la journée mondiale sur la maladie d’Alzheimer, retour sur la nouvelle campagne de mobilisation de la Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM) dans laquelle est à mise à l’honneur le projet de recherche de Cécilia SAMIERI de l’équipe […]

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Posted on : 10 Jul 2023

A publication on the association between Sex/Gender and Cognitive Decline won the 2023 Publication of the Year Award


A publication on the association between Sex/Gender and Cognitive Decline won the 2023 Publication of the Year Award On behalf of the International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment Design and Data Analytics PIA, the publication titled ‘How Selection Over Time Contributes to the Inconsistency of the Association Between Sex/Gender and Cognitive Decline Across […]

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Posted on : 24 May 2023

PUBLICATIONS: 2 publications studying women’s participation in screening for three cancers have just been published by researchers from the Epicene team


Two publications studying women’s participation in screening for cancers have just been published by researchers from the Epicene team From the age of 50, a French woman is invited to participate in 3 organized cancer screenings (breast, colorectal, cervical*). What are their behaviors and possible explanations for non-participation? A questionnaire was proposed to women aged […]

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Posted on : 12 May 2023

A review article just published by Krier et al in JAMDA journal to identify the impact of new initiatives for people with dementia in long-term care facilities and those making society more inclusive.


Village Landais Alzheimer – ©Département des Landes/S.Zambon A review article just published by Krier et al in JAMDA journalto identify the impact of new initiatives for people with dementiawin long-term care facilities and those making society more inclusive. Numerous initiatives are emerging to improve the care management of persons suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or related […]

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Les actualités BPH
Posted on : 19 Apr 2023

Publication in Nature Medicine:
Large genomic study on perivascular space burden unravels early mechanisms of cerebral small vessel disease


The results of a large genomic study on perivascular spaces, coordinated by researchers from the ELEANORE team and the Institute of Clinical Neurodegenerative Diseases at the University Hospital of Bordeaux, have been published in the journal Nature Medicine. The study reveals mechanisms involved early in the disease of small cerebral arteries.   Cerebral small vessel […]

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Posted on : 09 Mar 2023

Cannabis and sleep: insomnia is twice as common in students who use it every day


Researchers from the HEALTHY team published in Psychiatry Research an in-depth analysis of the association between cannabis use and sleep disturbance in a large university student sample of 14,787 individuals from the i-Share cohort. In France, more than half of all students have sleep disorders. These alterations are all the more worrying because they can […]

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