Posted on : 24 Jun 2024

Emmanuel Lagarde, President of the New Expert Committee at the Conseil National de Sécurité Routière (CNSR)


Emmanuel Lagarde, President of the New Expert Committee at the Conseil National de Sécurité Routière (CNSR) Emmanuel Lagarde, Research Director at Inserm in epidemiology within the AHeAD team, has taken the presidency of the new expert committee at the Conseil National de Sécurité Routière (CNSR). Following the call for applications launched on December 4, 2023, […]

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Posted on : 18 Jun 2024

Video presentation of the Macu-Life project


Video presentation of the Macu-Life project Evaluation of the relationship between our lifestylesand the development of Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) As part of its “Paroles de lauréats” series, the health program of AXA Mutuals’ sponsorship created a video featuring Bénédicte Merle, the project manager of Macu-Life.In the video, the researcher presents the specific features of […]

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Posted on : 04 Jun 2024

4th edition of the InScience festival (May 27 to June 9, 2024)
& Portrait of Cecilia Samieri


4th edition of the InScience festival& Portrait of Cecilia Samieri The 4th edition of the InScience festival, programmed each year by Inserm, takes place from May 27 to June 9, 2024. An opportunity to discover the portrait of Cecilia Samieri, Inserm research director specializing in the epidemiology of cerebral aging and public health, at the […]

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Posted on : 13 May 2024

Video on the “Wakobo Ti Kodro” project
– Improving the care of high-risk pregnancies in the Central African Republic


Video on the “Wakobo Ti Kodro” project Improving the care of high-risk pregnanciesin the Central African Republic On the occasion of the International Day of the Midwife on May 5th, the international medical NGO ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action), in partnership with the GHiGS team, shared a video on the research project “Wakobo […]

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Posted on : 15 Oct 2023

Notice d’information à destination des participants


PROJET EHDS Espace Européen des Données de Santé NOTICE D’INFORMATION A DESTINATION DES PARTICIPANTS Coordonnées du Responsable scientifique : Gayo DIALLO Laboratoire Bordeaux Population Health Gayo.diallo@u-bordeaux.fr Coordonnées du Délégué à la Protection des Données : Université de Bordeaux DPO 35 place Pey Berland 33000 Bordeaux dpo@u-bordeaux.fr Madame, Monsieur, L’Université de Bordeaux entreprend un projet de […]

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Posted on : 10 Sep 2023

Linking the European Alzheimer Villages: The ACTIVE team meets the Italian Alzheimer Village


Linking the European Alzheimer Villages:The ACTIVE team meets the Italian Alzheimer Village Since its opening in 2020, the ACTIVE team is conducting an evaluation of the Village Landais Henri Emmanuelli (Alzheimer Village), an innovative and experimental dementia friendly-facility, unique in France. The study involves a prospective follow up of the villagers, family caregivers and healthcare […]

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Posted on : 06 Dec 2022

PhD and startuper: Interview with Soufiane Ajana former PhD student in the BPH LEHA team


Creator and promoter of the startup Retinet, incubated during his thesis at the BPH and winner of the Microsoft For Startups Founders Hub – 2022 Edition competition; the opportunity for Soufiane to review his career and the transition to the BPH Interview with Soufiane Ajana

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