Epidemiology, development and prevention of mental health problems using a life span perspective


Centre de recherche INSERM U1219
Université de Bordeaux, ISPED case 11
146 rue Léo-Saignat 33076 BORDEAUX cedex

Tél : 05 57 57 16 59

Cédric Galera

Pr. Cédric Galera
MD, PhD, HEALTHY Director

Cédric Galera is child psychiatrist and epidemiologist. He was resident in child psychiatry at the University of Bordeaux between 2000 and 2004.

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Christophe Tzourio

Pr. Christophe Tzourio
MD, PhD, HEALTHY Deputy Director

Christophe Tzourio is a neurologist and epidemiologist. He was resident at the Paris Hospitals and Chief of Clinic in Neurology at the Lariboisière Hospital.

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The research focus of our team is to understand and prevent mental health problems in youths.
We aim to:

  • Investigate the risk and protective factors of Mental, Neurological and Substance use (MNS) problems in young people using a lifespan perspective
  • Test the efficacy of strategies to prevent Mental, Neurological and Substance use problems and build resilience to stressors in youths / parents

Research areas

In the past five years the team has provided relevant evidences on the early contribution of the social environment and biological factors on youth mental health (cognition, externalizing behaviors, internalizing problems, ADHD and risk for suicide).

Team members have studied the modulation of biological factors by the social environment in relation to externalizing problems and ADHD and the relative contributions of genes and environment on the developmental course of the ADHD phenotype and suicide risk, from the peri-conceptional period to adolescence. Team members have also found that cytokine patterns in the cord blood is associated with childhood anxiety/depression symptoms.

Regarding interventions aiming at improving mental health, cognitive development and social outcomes, the team has shown the benefits of early non-parental care and evidenced the moderate efficacy of a multicomponent early intervention program on behavior, cognition and health, in an Irish sample. Team members have developped eHealth tools to be used for MNS in youths, particularly in students. These findings provide key elements to inform public policies and to tailor our experimental interventions.

Research of team members takes advantages of various cohorts including birth cohorts (ex: ELFE and ELDEQ) and young adult cohorts (iShare and CONFINS).

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2024 Key Publications

Herbein M, Barbosa S, Collet O, Khalfallah O, Navarro M, Bailhache M, Iv N, Aouizerate B, Sutter-Dallay A-L, Koehl M, Capuron L, Ellul P, Peyre H, Van der Waerden J, Melchior M, Cote S, Heude B, Glaichenhaus N, Davidovic L, Galera C. Cord serum cytokines at birth and children’s trajectories of mood dysregulation symptoms from 3 to 8 years: The EDEN birth cohort. Brain Behav Immun Health. 2024;38:100768.

Kinouani S, Da Cruz H, Langlois E, Tzourio C. Prevalence, lived experiences and user profiles in e-cigarette use: A mixed methods study among French college students. PLoS One. 2024;19(2):e0297156.

Kinouani S, Macalli M, Arsandaux J, Montagni I, Texier N, Schuck S, Tzourio C. Factors related to increased alcohol misuse by students compared to non-students during the first Covid-19 lockdown in France: the Confins study. BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):646.

Labrosse D, Vie C, Hajjam H, Tisseron C, Thellier D, Montagni I. An Escape Game on University Students’ Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cocreation Study. JMIR Serious Games. 2024;12:e48545.

Navarro MC, Galesne C, Bailhache M, Moulin F, Davisse C, Falissard B, Vandentorren S, Warszawski J, Vuillermoz C, Descarpenty A, Melchior M, Rouquette A, Galera C. Adolescents’ Depression Symptoms After Social Distancing and Restrictions: The EpiCoV French Longitudinal Population-Based Cohort. J Adolesc Health. 2024;75(6):921-8.

Omura M, Cortese S, Bailhache M, Navarro MC, Melchior M, van der Waerden J, Heude B, de Lauzon-Guillain B, Galera C. Associations between symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, socioeconomic status and asthma in children. Npj Ment Health Res. 2024;3(1):22.

Schwartz A, Galera C, Arsandaux J, Montagni I, Tzourio C. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Illegal Drug Use Among College Students: Findings from a French Sample. Int J Behav Med. 2024.

Schwartz A, Macalli M, Navarro MC, Jean FAM, Crivello F, Galera C, Tzourio C. Adverse childhood experiences and left hippocampal volumetric reductions: A structural magnetic resonance imaging study. J Psychiatr Res. 2024;180:183-9.

Schwartz A, Navarro MC, Salamon R. A 10-year Longitudinal Study: The Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Mental Health Indicators, and Binge Eating Symptoms among Emerging Adults. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2024.

Vie C, Govindin-Ramassamy K, Thellier D, Labrosse D, Montagni I. Effectiveness of digital games promoting young people’s mental health: A review of reviews. Digit Health. 2024;10:20552076231220814.

View all of the team’s publications in Oskar

Last News

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- Press Review

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