14th meeting of the Club SMAC
RetourThe 14th meeting of the Statistics and Mathematics Applied to Cancer Club (SMAC)
were held on 23 and 24 January in Bordeaux
Co-organised by Virginie Rondeau and Carine Bellara from the BPH’s BIOSTAT and EPICENE teams. These two-day workshops brought together 130 participants to discuss statistical concepts for estimating the number of subjects to include in the planning of a clinical study and the context of innovative designs. Prediction models and the growing use of AI tools in clinical research were also discussed.
For two days, international researchers and scientific experts were welcomed at the Institut de santé publique, d’épidémiologie et de développement (ISPED) and the BPH, where they were able to exchange views with various partners in the fields of biostatistics, statistics, mathematics and clinical research.